30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (2024)

Table of Contents
The Best Nutrient to Help Lower Cholesterol Foods to Focus on for Low Cholesterol Week 1 How to Meal-Prep Your Week of Meals Day 1 Breakfast (264 calories) A.M. Snack (141 calories) Lunch (394 calories) P.M. Snack (95 calories) Dinner (600 calories) Day 2 Breakfast (290 calories) A.M. Snack (180 calories) Lunch (352 calories) P.M. Snack (115 calories) Dinner (375 calories) Evening Snack (177 calories) Day 3 Breakfast (264 calories) A.M. Snack (141 calories) Lunch (352 calories) P.M. Snack (311 calories) Dinner (422 calories) Day 4 Breakfast (290 calories) A.M. Snack (141 calories) Lunch (352 calories) P.M. Snack (135 calories) Dinner (422 calories) Evening Snack (177 calories) Day 5 Breakfast (264 calories) A.M. Snack (90 calories) Lunch (352 calories) P.M. Snack (262 calories) Dinner (537 calories) Day 6 Breakfast (290 calories) A.M. Snack (173 calories) Lunch (292 calories) P.M. Snack (211 calories) Dinner (528 calories) Day 7 Breakfast (264 calories) A.M. Snack (215 calories) Lunch (292 calories) P.M. Snack (225 calories) Dinner (502 calories) Week 2 Day 8 Breakfast (247 calories) A.M. Snack (215 calories) Lunch (394 calories) P.M. Snack (235 calories) Dinner (415 calories) Day 9 Breakfast (340 calories) A.M. Snack (131 calories) Lunch (337 calories) P.M. Snack (145 calories) Dinner (522 calories) Day 10 Breakfast (247 calories) A.M. Snack (265 calories) Lunch (337 calories) P.M. Snack (177 calories) Dinner (485 calories) Day 11 Breakfast (351 calories) A.M. Snack (131 calories) Lunch (302 calories) P.M. Snack (176 calories) Dinner (362 calories) Evening Snack (177 calories) Day 12 Breakfast (247 calories) A.M. Snack (252 calories) Lunch (302 calories) P.M. Snack (215 calories) Dinner (461 calories) Day 13 Breakfast (351 calories) A.M. Snack (62 calories) Lunch (461 calories) P.M. Snack (95 calories) Dinner (550 calories) Day 14 Breakfast (247 calories) A.M. Snack (215 calories) Lunch (461 calories) P.M. Snack (139 calories) Dinner (435 calories) Week 3 How to Meal-Prep Your Week of Meals Day 15 Breakfast (271 calories) A.M. Snack (131 calories) Lunch (343 calories) P.M. Snack (176 calories) Dinner (422 calories) Evening Snack (177 calories) Day 16 Breakfast (249 calories) A.M. Snack (215 calories) Lunch (408 calories) P.M. Snack (190 calories) Dinner (427 calories) Day 17 Breakfast (271 calories) A.M. Snack (168 calories) Lunch (408 calories) P.M. Snack (237 calories) Dinner (427 calories) Day 18 Breakfast (249 calories) A.M. Snack (215 calories) Lunch (408 calories) P.M. Snack (62 calories) Dinner (398 calories) Evening Snack (177 calories) Day 19 Breakfast (271 calories) A.M. Snack (95 calories) Lunch (408 calories) P.M. Snack (237 calories) Dinner (512 calories) Day 20 Breakfast (249 calories) A.M. Snack (168 calories) Lunch (343 calories) P.M. Snack (206 calories) Dinner (379 calories) Evening Snack (177 calories) Day 21 Breakfast (329 calories) A.M. Snack (215 calories) Lunch (343 calories) P.M. Snack (131 calories) Dinner (489 calories) Week 4 Day 22 Breakfast (351 calories) A.M. Snack (62 calories) Lunch (394 calories) P.M. Snack (180 calories) Dinner (437 calories) Evening Snacks (95 calories) Day 23 Breakfast (264 calories) A.M. Snack (215 calories) Lunch (394 calories) P.M. Snack (193 calories) Dinner (458 calories) Day 24 Breakfast (351 calories) A.M. Snack (176 calories) Lunch (394 calories) P.M. Snack (95 calories) Dinner (491 calories) Day 25 Breakfast (264 calories) A.M. Snack (168 calories) Lunch (376 calories) P.M. Snack (105 calories) Dinner (414 calories) Evening Snack (177 calories) Day 26 Breakfast (351 calories) A.M. Snack (131 calories) Lunch (376 calories) P.M. Snack (82 calories) Dinner (383 calories) Evening Snack (177 calories) Day 27 Breakfast (264 calories) A.M. Snack (215 calories) Lunch (383 calories) P.M. Snack (139 calories) Dinner (488 calories) Day 28 Breakfast (351 calories) A.M. Snack (131 calories) Lunch (383 calories) P.M. Snack (193 calories) Dinner (439 calories) Week 5 Day 29 Breakfast (290 calories) A.M. Snack (95 calories) Lunch (343 calories) P.M. Snack (82 calories) Dinner (518 calories) Evening Snack (177 calories) Day 30 Breakfast (290 calories) A.M. Snack (131 calories) Lunch (343 calories) P.M. Snack (193 calories) Dinner (518 calories) References

In this 30-day meal plan, we map out a month of heart-healthy meals and snacks tailored to lower cholesterol. To keep the routine beginner-friendly, you’ll see non-fussy meals with shorter ingredient lists, leftovers used often and meal-prep lunches to simplify your weeks.

One thing you won’t see is any added sugars. Though desserts and added sugars can certainly be incorporated into a heart-healthy routine in moderation, most of us eat more added sugars than we realize. Stats show that adults over 20 consume around 17 teaspoons daily,well above the American Heart Association’s recommended daily max of 6 teaspoons for women and 9 teaspoons for men. It’s so easy to go over that recommendation because added sugars are abundant in packaged desserts and sweetened beverages. Even more so, added sugars are often present in less obvious foods, like jarred tomato sauce, dressings and premade soups. While added sugars have little to no nutritional value, foods with natural sugars, such as fruits, vegetables and unsweetened dairy, also provide many important nutrients, like vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber.

15 Ways to Eat Less Sugar—Without Missing It

To help lower cholesterol, each day provides at least 28 grams of fiber and includes an abundance of heart-healthy foods, such as plant-based protein, low-saturated-fat dairy, whole grains, nuts, fish and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Additionally, research shows that excessive weight can increase the risk of high cholesterol, but losing even 5% of total body weight can often lower numbers and improve heart health. So, to support weight loss, we set the calories for this plan at 1,500 per day and included modifications for 1,200 and 2,000 calories. As with all meal plans, this is meant to serve as a framework for a low-cholesterol eating plan. Make substitutions as you see fit based on your individual food preferences and routine.

The Best Nutrient to Help Lower Cholesterol

If you’re trying to lower your cholesterol, a multifaceted approach that includes increasing exercise, improving diet quality, cooking more meals at home, and even de-stressing can help improve your stats. But if you’re wondering if there’s one specific nutrient to focus on, the answer is fiber, particularly soluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance that binds to cholesterol particles in your small intestine, preventing them from entering your bloodstream. Instead, cholesterol particles will attach to your stool, eventually exiting as a bowel movement. You can find soluble fiber in foods like beans, lentils, edamame, oats, avocado, apples, pears and chia seeds.

Foods to Focus on for Low Cholesterol

  • Beans and lentils
  • Edamame and tofu
  • Avocado
  • Fish
  • Nuts, including natural nut butters without added sugars
  • Seeds, such as chia, flax and pumpkin
  • Whole grains, including oats, quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat, barley
  • Unsweetened dairy, such as yogurt and kefir
  • Lean proteins, like poultry, eggs and shellfish
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Unsaturated fats, such as olive oil and avocado oil
  • Herbs and spices

Week 1

How to Meal-Prep Your Week of Meals

  1. Make 20-Minute White Bean Soup to have for lunch on Days 2 through 5.
  2. Bake a batch of No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies to have throughout the month. Store them in the freezer to maintain freshness.

Day 1

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (1)

Breakfast (264 calories)

  • ½ cup dry old-fashioned rolled oats, prepared with water
  • ¼ cup raspberries
  • 1 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as pecans, walnuts or almonds
  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds

A.M. Snack (141 calories)

  • 1 (5.3-oz.) container low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • ½ cup blackberries

Lunch (394 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 cup low-fat plain kefir
  • 1 clementine

P.M. Snack (95 calories)

  • 1 medium apple

Dinner (600 calories)

  • 1 serving Quick Sheet-Pan Salmon with Crispy Quinoa

Daily Totals: 1,493 calories, 64g fat, 79g protein, 157g carbohydrate, 28g fiber, 1,301mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Omit chopped nuts and chia seeds at breakfast, omit kefir at lunch, and change P.M. snack to 1 plum.

Make it 2,000 calories: Increase to ¼ cup chopped nuts at breakfast, add 2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter at P.M. snack, and add 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies as an evening snack.

Day 2

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (2)

Breakfast (290 calories)

  • 1 serving

A.M. Snack (180 calories)

  • 1 cup edamame, in pods

Lunch (352 calories)

  • 1 serving 20-Minute White Bean Soup
  • 1 medium apple

P.M. Snack (115 calories)

  • 1 medium bell pepper, sliced
  • 3 Tbsp. hummus

Dinner (375 calories)

  • 1 serving

Evening Snack (177 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Daily Totals: 1,488 calories, 63g fat, 74g protein, 173g carbohydrate, 42g fiber, 1,579mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 medium orange and omit No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies at evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 cup low-fat plain kefir to breakfast, 2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter to the apple at lunch, and ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to the evening snack.

Day 3

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (3)

Breakfast (264 calories)

  • ½ cup dry old-fashioned rolled oats, prepared with water
  • ¼ cup raspberries
  • 1 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as pecans, walnuts or almonds
  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds

A.M. Snack (141 calories)

  • 1 (5.3-oz.) container low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • ½ cup blackberries

Lunch (352 calories)

  • 1 serving 20-Minute White Bean Soup
  • 1 medium apple

P.M. Snack (311 calories)

  • ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds
  • 1 medium banana

Dinner (422 calories)

  • 1 serving Copycat Olive Garden Pasta e fa*gioli
  • 1 serving Basic Green Salad with Vinaigrette

Meal-Prep Tip: Reserve leftover Copycat Olive Garden Pasta e fa*gioli to have for dinner tomorrow.

Daily Totals: 1,490 calories, 61g fat, 69g protein, 183g carbohydrate, 45g fiber, 1,143mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Omit chia seeds at breakfast, reduce to ¼ cup blackberries at A.M. snack, and omit almonds at P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 cup low-fat plain kefir to breakfast, add 2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter to the apple at lunch, and add 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies as an evening snack.

Day 4

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (4)

Breakfast (290 calories)

  • 1 serving

A.M. Snack (141 calories)

  • 1 (5.3-oz.) container low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • ½ cup blackberries

Lunch (352 calories)

  • 1 serving 20-Minute White Bean Soup
  • 1 medium apple

P.M. Snack (135 calories)

  • ¾ cup edamame, in pods

Dinner (422 calories)

  • 1 serving Copycat Olive Garden Pasta e fa*gioli
  • 1 serving Basic Green Salad with Vinaigrette

Evening Snack (177 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Daily Totals: 1,516 calories, 55g fat, 80g protein, 188g carbohydrate, 44g fiber, 1,387mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Omit yogurt at A.M. snack and apple at lunch, plus change P.M. snack to 1 clementine.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 cup low-fat plain kefir to breakfast, add 2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter to the apple at lunch, and add ½ an avocado, diced, to the salad at dinner.

Day 5

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (5)

Breakfast (264 calories)

  • ½ cup dry old-fashioned rolled oats, prepared with water
  • ¼ cup raspberries
  • 1 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as pecans, walnuts or almonds
  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds

A.M. Snack (90 calories)

  • ½ cup no-salt-added low-fat cottage cheese
  • ½ cup sliced cucumber

Lunch (352 calories)

  • 1 serving 20-Minute White Bean Soup
  • 1 medium apple

P.M. Snack (262 calories)

  • 1 (5.3-oz.) container low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • 1 medium peach
  • 2 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as pecans, walnuts or almonds

Dinner (537 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 serving Guacamole Chopped Salad

Meal-Prep Tip: Reserve leftover to have for lunch on Days 6 and 7.

Daily Totals: 1,504 calories, 65g fat, 68g protein, 179g carbohydrate, 45g fiber, 1,183mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Omit cottage cheese at A.M. snack and omit yogurt and chopped nuts at P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Increase to 3 Tbsp. chopped nuts at breakfast, add 2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter to lunch, and add 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies as an evening snack.

Day 6

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (6)

Breakfast (290 calories)

  • 1 serving

A.M. Snack (173 calories)

  • 1 cup low-fat plain kefir
  • ¾ cup blueberries

Lunch (292 calories)

  • 1 serving

P.M. Snack (211 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies
  • 1 clementine

Dinner (528 calories)

  • 1 serving

Daily Totals: 1,495 calories, 58g fat, 70g protein, 181g carbohydrate, 29g fiber, 1,225mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Omit kefir at A.M. snack and omit No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies at P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 cup low-fat plain kefir to breakfast, 1 medium bell pepper with 3 Tbsp. hummus to lunch, ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to P.M. snack, and 1 medium apple as an evening snack.

Day 7

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (7)

Breakfast (264 calories)

  • ½ cup dry old-fashioned rolled oats, prepared with water
  • ¼ cup raspberries
  • 1 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as pecans, walnuts or almonds
  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds

A.M. Snack (215 calories)

  • 1 serving Cottage Cheese Snack Jar with Fruit

Lunch (292 calories)

  • 1 serving

P.M. Snack (225 calories)

  • 1 cup low-fat plain kefir
  • 15 unsalted dry-roasted almonds

Dinner (502 calories)

  • 1 serving Spicy Shrimp Tacos
  • 1 serving Cabbage Slaw

Daily Totals: 1,499 calories, 78g fat, 71g protein, 141g carbohydrate, 31g fiber, 1,636mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 medium banana and change P.M. snack to ¼ cup blueberries.

Make it 2,000 calories: Increase to ¼ cup chopped nuts at breakfast, add 1 medium orange to lunch, increase to ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds at P.M. snack, add 2 Tbsp. guacamole to dinner, and add 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies as an evening snack.

Week 2

Day 8

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (8)

Breakfast (247 calories)

  • 1 serving Strawberry-Peach Chia Seed Smoothie

A.M. Snack (215 calories)

  • 1 serving Cottage Cheese Snack Jar with Fruit

Lunch (394 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 cup low-fat plain kefir
  • 1 clementine

P.M. Snack (235 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies
  • 1 medium peach

Dinner (415 calories)

  • 1 serving Baked Eggs in Tomato Sauce with Kale
  • 1 slice whole-wheat bread, toasted

Daily Totals: 1,506 calories, 64g fat, 76g protein, 170g carbohydrate, 31g fiber, 1,829mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 medium apple and omit No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies at P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to P.M. snack, 1 serving Massaged Kale Salad to dinner, and 1 medium banana as an evening snack.

Day 9

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (9)

Breakfast (340 calories)

  • 1 cup low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • ½ cup blackberries
  • 3 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as walnuts or almonds

A.M. Snack (131 calories)

  • 1 large pear

Lunch (337 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 medium banana

P.M. Snack (145 calories)

  • 1 cup raspberries
  • ½ cup low-fat no-salt-added cottage cheese

Dinner (522 calories)

  • 1 serving

Daily Totals: 1,476 calories, 66g fat, 104g protein, 127g carbohydrate, 28g fiber, 1,013mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Reduce to 1 Tbsp. chopped nuts at breakfast, change A.M. snack to 1 plum, and omit cottage cheese at P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to A.M. snack, 1½ Tbsp. natural peanut butter to lunch, and 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies as an evening snack.

Day 10

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (10)

Breakfast (247 calories)

  • 1 serving Strawberry-Peach Chia Seed Smoothie

A.M. Snack (265 calories)

  • ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds
  • 1 medium peach

Lunch (337 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 medium banana

P.M. Snack (177 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Dinner (485 calories)

  • 1 serving Slow-Cooker Moroccan-Spiced Chicken Stew
  • 1 serving Massaged Kale Salad

Meal-Prep Tip: Reserve 2 servings Slow-Cooker Moroccan-Spiced Chicken Stew to have for lunch on Days 11 and 12.

Daily Totals: 1,511 calories, 73g fat, 87g protein, 143g carbohydrate, 31g fiber, 1,973mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Omit almonds at A.M. snack and change P.M. snack to 1 medium orange.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 2 large hard-boiled eggs to breakfast, 1 medium orange to P.M. snack, and 1 serving as an evening snack.

Day 11

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (11)

Breakfast (351 calories)

  • 1 cup low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 3 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as walnuts or almonds

A.M. Snack (131 calories)

  • 1 large pear

Lunch (302 calories)

  • 1 serving Slow-Cooker Moroccan-Spiced Chicken Stew

P.M. Snack (176 calories)

  • ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted pistachios

Dinner (362 calories)

  • 1 serving Vegetarian Chopped Power Salad with Creamy Cilantro Dressing

Evening Snack (177 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Daily Totals: 1,498 calories, 69g fat, 83g protein, 147g carbohydrate, 30g fiber, 1,162mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 plum and omit No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies at evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving to breakfast, 1 cup edamame in pods to A.M. snack, and 1 plum to lunch.

Day 12

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (12)

Breakfast (247 calories)

  • 1 serving Strawberry-Peach Chia Seed Smoothie

A.M. Snack (252 calories)

  • 1 medium apple
  • 1½ Tbsp. natural peanut butter

Lunch (302 calories)

  • 1 serving Slow-Cooker Moroccan-Spiced Chicken Stew

P.M. Snack (215 calories)

  • 1 serving Cottage Cheese Snack Jar with Fruit

Dinner (461 calories)

  • 1 serving Creamy Green Pea Pesto Pasta

Meal-Prep Tip: Reserve two servings Creamy Green Pea Pesto Pasta to have for lunch on Days 13 and 14.

Daily Totals: 1,477 calories, 62g fat, 78g protein, 158g carbohydrate, 31g fiber, 1,753mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Omit peanut butter at A.M. snack and change P.M. snack to 1 medium banana.

Make it 2,000 calories: Increase to 2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter at A.M. snack, add 1 medium banana to lunch, and add 1 serving Traditional Greek Salad to dinner.

Day 13

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (13)

Breakfast (351 calories)

  • 1 cup low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 3 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as walnuts or almonds

A.M. Snack (62 calories)

  • 1 cup blackberries

Lunch (461 calories)

  • 1 serving Creamy Green Pea Pesto Pasta

P.M. Snack (95 calories)

  • 1 medium apple

Dinner (550 calories)

  • 1 serving Summer Chicken Parmesan
  • 1 serving

Daily Totals: 1,518 calories, 71g fat, 84g protein, 145g carbohydrate, 28g fiber, 1,471mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Omit chopped nuts at breakfast, change A.M. snack to ½ cup sliced cucumber, change P.M. snack to 1 plum, and substitute ½ cup cooked quinoa for the at dinner.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to A.M. snack, 1 medium orange to lunch, and 2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter to P.M. snack.

Day 14

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (14)

Breakfast (247 calories)

  • 1 serving Strawberry-Peach Chia Seed Smoothie

A.M. Snack (215 calories)

  • 1 serving Cottage Cheese Snack Jar with Fruit

Lunch (461 calories)

  • 1 serving Creamy Green Pea Pesto Pasta

P.M. Snack (139 calories)

  • 1 large hard-boiled egg
  • 1 medium orange

Dinner (435 calories)

  • 1 serving Steak Taco Salad
  • 1-oz. slice whole-wheat baguette

Daily Totals: 1,497 calories, 62g fat, 78g protein, 168g carbohydrate, 34g fiber, 1,817mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 plum and omit baguette at dinner.

Week 3

How to Meal-Prep Your Week of Meals

  • Make to have for lunch on Days 16 through 19.

Day 15

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (15)

Breakfast (271 calories)

  • 1 serving Avocado-Egg Toast

A.M. Snack (131 calories)

  • 1 large pear

Lunch (343 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 medium orange

P.M. Snack (176 calories)

  • ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted pistachios

Dinner (422 calories)

  • 1 serving

Evening Snack (177 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Daily Totals: 1,520 calories, 67g fat, 90g protein, 151g carbohydrate, 30g fiber, 1,421mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to ¼ cup blueberries, substitute 1 clementine for the orange at lunch, and omit evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving Raspberry-Kefir Power Smoothie to breakfast and add ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to A.M. snack.

Day 16

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (16)

Breakfast (249 calories)

  • 1 serving Raspberry-Kefir Power Smoothie

A.M. Snack (215 calories)

  • 1 serving Cottage Cheese Snack Jar with Fruit

Lunch (408 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 large pear

P.M. Snack (190 calories)

  • 2 large hard-boiled eggs
  • 1 clementine

Dinner (427 calories)

  • 1 serving Veggie Fajitas

Meal-Prep Tip: Reserve leftover Veggie Fajitas to have for dinner tomorrow.

Daily Totals: 1,488 calories, 65g fat, 74g protein, 163g carbohydrate, 38g fiber, 1,101mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 medium apple and omit hard-boiled eggs at P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving to breakfast, add ½ cup pineapple chunks to dinner, and add 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies as an evening snack.

Day 17

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (17)

Breakfast (271 calories)

  • 1 serving Avocado-Egg Toast

A.M. Snack (168 calories)

  • 1 (5.3-oz.) container low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • 1 medium peach

Lunch (408 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 large pear

P.M. Snack (237 calories)

  • ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted pistachios
  • 1 plum

Dinner (427 calories)

  • 1 serving Veggie Fajitas

Daily Totals: 1,480 calories, 70g fat, 72g protein, 155g carbohydrate, 37g fiber, 1,158mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Substitute 1 clementine for the pear at lunch and omit pistachios at P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving Raspberry-Kefir Power Smoothie to breakfast, 1 Tbsp. chopped pecans to A.M. snack, and 1 serving Guacamole Chopped Salad to dinner.

Day 18

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (18)

Breakfast (249 calories)

  • 1 serving Raspberry-Kefir Power Smoothie

A.M. Snack (215 calories)

  • 1 serving Cottage Cheese Snack Jar with Fruit

Lunch (408 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 large pear

P.M. Snack (62 calories)

  • 1 medium orange

Dinner (398 calories)

  • 1 serving

Evening Snack (177 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Daily Totals: 1,508 calories, 58g fat, 76g protein, 180g carbohydrate, 30g fiber, 1,239mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 medium apple and omit evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving to breakfast and add ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to P.M. snack.

Day 19

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (19)

Breakfast (271 calories)

  • 1 serving Avocado-Egg Toast

A.M. Snack (95 calories)

  • 1 medium apple

Lunch (408 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 large pear

P.M. Snack (237 calories)

  • ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds
  • 1 plum

Dinner (512 calories)

  • 1 serving

Daily Totals: 1,521 calories, 66g fat, 80g protein, 161g carbohydrate, 28g fiber, 1,466mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Omit pear at lunch and omit almonds at P.M. snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving Raspberry-Kefir Power Smoothie to breakfast and add 2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter to A.M. snack.

Day 20

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (20)

Breakfast (249 calories)

  • 1 serving Raspberry-Kefir Power Smoothie

A.M. Snack (168 calories)

  • 1 (5.3-oz.) container low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • 1 medium peach

Lunch (343 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 medium orange

P.M. Snack (206 calories)

  • ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds

Dinner (379 calories)

  • 1 serving

Evening Snack (177 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Daily Totals: 1,521 calories, 63g fat, 99g protein, 154g carbohydrate, 31g fiber, 1,685mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change P.M. snack to 1 large hard-boiled egg and omit evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving to breakfast, 2 Tbsp. chopped pecans to A.M. snack, and 1 medium banana to P.M. snack.

Day 21

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (21)

Breakfast (329 calories)

  • 1 serving Avocado-Egg Toast
  • 1 medium peach

A.M. Snack (215 calories)

  • 1 serving Cottage Cheese Snack Jar with Fruit

Lunch (343 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 medium orange

P.M. Snack (131 calories)

  • 1 large pear

Dinner (489 calories)

  • 1 serving Spaghetti with Creamy Lemon-Spinach Sauce

Daily Totals: 1,508 calories, 68g fat, 74g protein, 164g carbohydrate, 31g fiber, 1,118mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 plum and change P.M. snack to ½ cup sliced carrots,

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving Raspberry-Kefir Power Smoothie to breakfast, 1 large hard-boiled egg to P.M. snack, and 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies as an evening snack.

Week 4

Day 22

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (22)

Breakfast (351 calories)

  • 1 cup low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 3 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as walnuts or almonds

A.M. Snack (62 calories)

  • 1 cup blackberries

Lunch (394 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 cup low-fat plain kefir
  • 1 clementine

P.M. Snack (180 calories)

  • 1 cup edamame, in pods

Dinner (437 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 serving Traditional Greek Salad

Evening Snacks (95 calories)

  • 1 medium apple

Daily Totals: 1,518 calories, 68g fat, 104g protein, 137g carbohydrate, 30g fiber, 1,457mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Reduce kefir to ½ cup at lunch, change P.M. snack to 1 plum, and omit evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving to breakfast and add ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to A.M. snack.

Day 23

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (23)

Breakfast (264 calories)

  • ½ cup dry old-fashioned rolled oats, prepared with water
  • ¼ cup raspberries
  • 1 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as pecans, walnuts or almonds
  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds

A.M. Snack (215 calories)

  • 1 serving Cottage Cheese Snack Jar with Fruit

Lunch (394 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 cup low-fat plain kefir
  • 1 clementine

P.M. Snack (193 calories)

  • 1 serving Apple with Cinnamon Almond Butter

Dinner (458 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 serving Basic Green Salad with Vinaigrette

Daily Totals: 1,524 calories, 72g fat, 75g protein, 154g carbohydrate, 28g fiber, 1,246mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 medium peach and change P.M. snack to ½ cup sliced carrots.

Make it 2,000 calories: Increase to ¼ cup chopped nuts at breakfast, add ½ an avocado, sliced, to the salad at dinner, and add 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies as an evening snack.

Day 24

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (24)

Breakfast (351 calories)

  • 1 cup low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 3 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as walnuts or almonds

A.M. Snack (176 calories)

  • ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted pistachios

Lunch (394 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 cup low-fat plain kefir
  • 1 clementine

P.M. Snack (95 calories)

  • 1 medium apple

Dinner (491 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 serving Basic Green Salad with Vinaigrette

Meal-Prep Tip: Reserve two servings to have for lunch on Days 25 and 26.

Daily Totals: 1,506 calories, 66g fat, 68g protein, 180g carbohydrate, 30g fiber, 1,280mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Reduce to 2 Tbsp. chopped nuts at breakfast, change A.M. snack to ½ cup sliced carrots, and omit kefir at lunch.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving to breakfast, add 1 plum to A.M. snack, and add 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies as an evening snack.

Day 25

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (25)

Breakfast (264 calories)

  • ½ cup dry old-fashioned rolled oats, prepared with water
  • ¼ cup raspberries
  • 1 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as pecans, walnuts or almonds
  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds

A.M. Snack (168 calories)

  • 1 (5.3-oz.) container low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • 1 medium peach

Lunch (376 calories)

  • 1 serving

P.M. Snack (105 calories)

  • 1 medium banana

Dinner (414 calories)

  • 1 serving Chicken Piccata Casserole

Evening Snack (177 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Daily Totals: 1,504 calories, 47g fat, 75g protein, 209g carbohydrate, 36g fiber, 1,318mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Omit yogurt at A.M. snack and omit evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Increase to ¼ cup chopped nuts at breakfast, add 1 medium orange to lunch, add 2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter to P.M. snack, and add 1 serving Massaged Kale Salad to dinner.

Day 26

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (26)

Breakfast (351 calories)

  • 1 cup low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 3 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as walnuts or almonds

A.M. Snack (131 calories)

  • 1 large pear

Lunch (376 calories)

  • 1 serving

P.M. Snack (82 calories)

  • ¾ cup low-fat plain kefir

Dinner (383 calories)

  • 1 serving Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad

Evening Snack (177 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Meal-Prep Tip: Reserve leftover Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad to have for lunch on Days 27 and 28.

Daily Totals: 1,501 calories, 52g fat, 87g protein, 190g carbohydrate, 30g fiber, 1,290mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 plum and omit evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving to breakfast and add ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to A.M. snack.

Day 27

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (27)

Breakfast (264 calories)

  • ½ cup dry old-fashioned rolled oats, prepared with water
  • ¼ cup raspberries
  • 1 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as pecans, walnuts or almonds
  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds

A.M. Snack (215 calories)

  • 1 serving Cottage Cheese Snack Jar with Fruit

Lunch (383 calories)

  • 1 serving Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad

P.M. Snack (139 calories)

  • 1 cup blackberries
  • 1 large hard-boiled egg

Dinner (488 calories)

  • 1 serving Tajín Shrimp Tacos with Cabbage Slaw
  • 1 serving

Daily Totals: 1,490 calories, 64g fat, 87g protein, 153g carbohydrate, 30g fiber, 1,735mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to 1 plum, plus reduce blackberries to ½ cup and omit hard-boiled egg at P.M. snack

Make it 2,000 calories: Increase to 2 Tbsp. chopped nuts at breakfast, add 1 medium apple to lunch, add ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to P.M. snack, and add 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies as an evening snack.

Day 28

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (28)

Breakfast (351 calories)

  • 1 cup low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 3 Tbsp. chopped nuts, such as walnuts or almonds

A.M. Snack (131 calories)

  • 1 large pear

Lunch (383 calories)

  • 1 serving Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad

P.M. Snack (193 calories)

  • 1 serving Apple with Cinnamon Almond Butter

Dinner (439 calories)

  • 1 serving Greek Salad with Edamame
  • 1-oz. slice whole-wheat baguette

Daily Totals: 1,498 calories, 66g fat, 84g protein, 160g carbohydrate, 30g fiber, 1,392mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Reduce to 2 Tbsp. chopped nuts at breakfast, change A.M. snack to ½ cup sliced carrots, and change P.M. snack to 1 clementine.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add 1 serving to breakfast and add ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to A.M. snack.

Week 5

Day 29

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (29)

Breakfast (290 calories)

  • 1 serving

A.M. Snack (95 calories)

  • 1 medium apple

Lunch (343 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 medium orange

P.M. Snack (82 calories)

  • ¾ cup low-fat plain kefir

Dinner (518 calories)

  • 1 serving Pesto Tuna Noodle Casserole

Evening Snack (177 calories)

  • 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Meal-Prep Tip: Reserve leftover Pesto Tuna Noodle Casserole to have for dinner tomorrow.

Daily Totals: 1,504 calories, 48g fat, 84g protein, 195g carbohydrate, 28g fiber, 1,544mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to ½ cup sliced carrots, change P.M. snack to 1 plum, and omit evening snack.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to A.M. snack, 1 medium banana to P.M. snack, and 1 serving Massaged Kale Salad to dinner.

Day 30

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (30)

Breakfast (290 calories)

  • 1 serving

A.M. Snack (131 calories)

  • 1 large pear

Lunch (343 calories)

  • 1 serving
  • 1 medium orange

P.M. Snack (193 calories)

  • 1 serving Apple with Cinnamon Almond Butter

Dinner (518 calories)

  • 1 serving Pesto Tuna Noodle Casserole

Daily Totals: 1,475 calories, 46g fat, 75g protein, 205g carbohydrate, 33g fiber, 1,429mg sodium

Make it 1,200 calories: Change A.M. snack to ½ cup sliced carrots and change P.M. snack to 1 plum.

Make it 2,000 calories: Add ¾ cup low-fat plain strained (Greek-style) yogurt to breakfast, add ¼ cup unsalted dry-roasted almonds to A.M. snack, and add 1 serving No-Sugar-Added Vegan Oatmeal Cookies as an evening snack.

30-Day No-Sugar, Low-Cholesterol Meal Plan for Beginners, Created by a Dietitian (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.