Peak Performance Martial Arts FAQs - Cedar Park, Texas (2024)

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Request More Information My child wants to quit everything they try. My child wants to quit everything they try. Can we try the program before we commit? Can we try the program before we commit? How much do Martial Arts Lessons cost? How much do Martial Arts Lessons cost? How often do the children test for their rank? How often do the children test for their rank? Are there family discounts? Are there family discounts? Do you require tournaments? Do you require tournaments? How many classes do you offer? How many classes do you offer? Why do you require contracts? Why do you require contracts? Does the Martial Arts help you deal with anger? Does the Martial Arts help you deal with anger? My child is very shy, will this help their confidence? My child is very shy, will this help their confidence? Martial Arts teaches Eastern Religion and it conflicts with our own faith? Martial Arts teaches Eastern Religion and it conflicts with our own faith? I want my child to do the Martial Arts, but I am afraid it will teach them violence? I want my child to do the Martial Arts, but I am afraid it will teach them violence? My child behaves for their father, but they do not listen to me? My child behaves for their father, but they do not listen to me? I have been told that my child may have ADHD and I do not want to put him on medication. Options? I have been told that my child may have ADHD and I do not want to put him on medication. Options? Are we required to start at a certain time? Are we required to start at a certain time? Can I take classes with my child? Can I take classes with my child? Why do you require the families to interview with you and your staff before you can enroll? Why do you require the families to interview with you and your staff before you can enroll? What makes your studio different from your competitors? What makes your studio different from your competitors? What makes you and your staff qualified to teach the Martial Arts? What makes you and your staff qualified to teach the Martial Arts? Inspiring Future Champions Request Information Now! References

500 Brushy Creek Road Suite 504, Cedar Park, Texas 78613

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Peak Performance Martial Arts

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My child wants to quit everything they try.

One of the biggest challenges our children and families face today is instant gratification. I know that you are asking how is instant gratification a challenge?

Our society, especially or children have a “We want it now” attitude. We are not willing to invest the time to achieve maximum results. Our children are growing up with an entitlement mentality. I want it now, it is owed to me, everyone has one so I deserve one too.

Many of us when surfing the web, will click on the first, maybe the second page of a web site and if it is not peaking our interest, we move on quickly. We do the same with television. We surf channels like a tsunami wave, fast and furious.

We are literally teaching our children to be quitters and followers. If you do not like it, then quit. This is the biggest mistake you can make with your children. Our children do not have any idea what life skills they will need to be successful as an adult. I regularly have parents come in and say you know I can see where this program would really benefit my child, but I do not want to force him to come. Children learn very early on, what they can get away with, if you set a level of expectation for their development, they will follow your lead.

What if your child came to you and said, “You know what, I am bored with school and I want to quit”. You would put your foot down and say this is not an option. In addition, what if your daughter came to you and said, I want to be like Brittany Spears or Lindsey Lohan, again you would try put your foot down.

We need to lead our children, not let them lead us. Parenting is a full time job, and it is frustrating and sometimes very tiring, but what do you want your child to be like when they grow up?

The best thing you can do for your children is find programs that will assist in their development. Additionally, you need to set the tone that once we sign up, they need to attend, without fussing or complaining and there will be no quitting until the goals set were accomplished. The only exception to this rule is if the instruction is sub par and completely inappropriate. Then you will need to find a more appropriate program.

One more tidbit of wisdom. How many times have you had your child signed up for a program and right before you are about to leave, they say, I do not want to go to __________ today? You immediately interpret this as they do not like whatever program they are in, this is not the case. Many times, children cannot project themselves into the future and realize they are going to have fun. They are having fun right now or they are involved in what they are doing right now, enjoying it and they do not want to leave what they are doing.

My child wants to quit everything they try.

One of the biggest challenges our children and families face today is instant gratification. I know that you are asking how is instant gratification a challenge?

Our society, especially or children have a “We want it now” attitude. We are not willing to invest the time to achieve maximum results. Our children are growing up with an entitlement mentality. I want it now, it is owed to me, everyone has one so I deserve one too.

Many of us when surfing the web, will click on the first, maybe the second page of a web site and if it is not peaking our interest, we move on quickly. We do the same with television. We surf channels like a tsunami wave, fast and furious.

We are literally teaching our children to be quitters and followers. If you do not like it, then quit. This is the biggest mistake you can make with your children. Our children do not have any idea what life skills they will need to be successful as an adult. I regularly have parents come in and say you know I can see where this program would really benefit my child, but I do not want to force him to come. Children learn very early on, what they can get away with, if you set a level of expectation for their development, they will follow your lead.

What if your child came to you and said, “You know what, I am bored with school and I want to quit”. You would put your foot down and say this is not an option. In addition, what if your daughter came to you and said, I want to be like Brittany Spears or Lindsey Lohan, again you would try put your foot down.

We need to lead our children, not let them lead us. Parenting is a full time job, and it is frustrating and sometimes very tiring, but what do you want your child to be like when they grow up?

The best thing you can do for your children is find programs that will assist in their development. Additionally, you need to set the tone that once we sign up, they need to attend, without fussing or complaining and there will be no quitting until the goals set were accomplished. The only exception to this rule is if the instruction is sub par and completely inappropriate. Then you will need to find a more appropriate program.

One more tidbit of wisdom. How many times have you had your child signed up for a program and right before you are about to leave, they say, I do not want to go to __________ today? You immediately interpret this as they do not like whatever program they are in, this is not the case. Many times, children cannot project themselves into the future and realize they are going to have fun. They are having fun right now or they are involved in what they are doing right now, enjoying it and they do not want to leave what they are doing.

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Can we try the program before we commit?

Yes you can. We offer 31 days FREE to try it out. We also give you 2 FREE Private Lessons to work one on one with an Internationally Certified Instructor before you ever begin. We take extensive steps to assure that you fully understand how our program functions. The support material, in addition to the parent training program ensures that whether you train with us for two weeks or twenty years you will benefit from just going through our interview process.

Can we try the program before we commit?

Yes you can. We offer 31 days FREE to try it out. We also give you 2 FREE Private Lessons to work one on one with an Internationally Certified Instructor before you ever begin. We take extensive steps to assure that you fully understand how our program functions. The support material, in addition to the parent training program ensures that whether you train with us for two weeks or twenty years you will benefit from just going through our interview process.

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How much do Martial Arts Lessons cost?

We have several programs and payment options. During the second interview and private lesson we complete our assessment, provide the details on the programs you are qualified for, discuss, payment options and family discounts at that time.

How much do Martial Arts Lessons cost?

We have several programs and payment options. During the second interview and private lesson we complete our assessment, provide the details on the programs you are qualified for, discuss, payment options and family discounts at that time.

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How often do the children test for their rank?

We set a goal for every 12 weeks to test to their new rank. It is very crucial in a person’s development that they set clear cut, defined goals on where they are going. Only 3% of the population sets goals. There is a direct correlation between success and failure, successful people set goals, and unsuccessful people do not.

How often do the children test for their rank?

We set a goal for every 12 weeks to test to their new rank. It is very crucial in a person’s development that they set clear cut, defined goals on where they are going. Only 3% of the population sets goals. There is a direct correlation between success and failure, successful people set goals, and unsuccessful people do not.

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Are there family discounts?

Yes we do offer family discounts.

Are there family discounts?

Yes we do offer family discounts.

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Do you require tournaments?

We do not require students to participate in tournaments, we have three intramural tournaments per year within our studio and we have a competition team. Students who participate as part of our tournament team must maintain a minimum of an A/B Honor Roll grade average; they must have all of their responsibilities at home and at the academy up to date before they are allowed to participate.

Do you require tournaments?

We do not require students to participate in tournaments, we have three intramural tournaments per year within our studio and we have a competition team. Students who participate as part of our tournament team must maintain a minimum of an A/B Honor Roll grade average; they must have all of their responsibilities at home and at the academy up to date before they are allowed to participate.

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How many classes do you offer?

We offer a minimum of two classes per week. Students can succeed with one class per week, but we highly recommend two. In our Peak Performance Leadership Program, we offer unlimited classes in conjunction with specialized classes focusing on the Mental, Emotional and Psychological development.

How many classes do you offer?

We offer a minimum of two classes per week. Students can succeed with one class per week, but we highly recommend two. In our Peak Performance Leadership Program, we offer unlimited classes in conjunction with specialized classes focusing on the Mental, Emotional and Psychological development.

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Why do you require contracts?

There is a well known fact that when you commit to something, great things happen. We are a Professional Personal Family Development Program. We provide the latest in proven development techniques and they are back with a 100% money back guarantee. Frankly if you are not committed to providing your family the Life Skills necessary to improve their confidence, Self-discipline and other Peak Performance Life Skills, than we are probably not the place for you.

Why do you require contracts?

There is a well known fact that when you commit to something, great things happen. We are a Professional Personal Family Development Program. We provide the latest in proven development techniques and they are back with a 100% money back guarantee. Frankly if you are not committed to providing your family the Life Skills necessary to improve their confidence, Self-discipline and other Peak Performance Life Skills, than we are probably not the place for you.

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Does the Martial Arts help you deal with anger?

Most definitely, the Martial Arts really helped me address my own anger issues I experienced as a youth. My anger issues cost me a great deal during my teenage years. I not only lost my starting job on the basketball team, I was cut at the beginning of my sophom*ore year. A year later, I was moved from the marching band. You can see my story for more details. Anger issues generally stem from a feeling of anxiety. The feeling that something is not right, they do not feel safe or confident. They experience these feelings and they are unsure of what they are and what to do about them.

Does the Martial Arts help you deal with anger?

Most definitely, the Martial Arts really helped me address my own anger issues I experienced as a youth. My anger issues cost me a great deal during my teenage years. I not only lost my starting job on the basketball team, I was cut at the beginning of my sophom*ore year. A year later, I was moved from the marching band. You can see my story for more details. Anger issues generally stem from a feeling of anxiety. The feeling that something is not right, they do not feel safe or confident. They experience these feelings and they are unsure of what they are and what to do about them.

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My child is very shy, will this help their confidence?

Most definitely, our curriculum is designed with daily challenges that help them build their confidence each day they do class. The other great thing about the Martial Arts is that there is no first or second string. No one sits on the bench, everyone participates, and they are only competing against themselves. We also train the parents and have them read specific books that will help them recognize when their child is experiencing confidence challenges and how to effectively build their confidence with very little effort.

My child is very shy, will this help their confidence?

Most definitely, our curriculum is designed with daily challenges that help them build their confidence each day they do class. The other great thing about the Martial Arts is that there is no first or second string. No one sits on the bench, everyone participates, and they are only competing against themselves. We also train the parents and have them read specific books that will help them recognize when their child is experiencing confidence challenges and how to effectively build their confidence with very little effort.

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Martial Arts teaches Eastern Religion and it conflicts with our own faith?

This is the 2nd biggest misconception of Martial Arts Schools. Like I mentioned above, there are some schools that are heavily into the Eastern religions as part of their curriculum, but it is less than 2-3%. There are many schools who are Christian based Martial Arts Schools, again, these are a very small percentage.

My school is no different from any other school across the country. I have a very diverse clientele, different races, religions, socio-economic backgrounds, and educations. However, the one thing that we do teach is Respect, Courtesy, Humility, Self-Control, Self-Confidence, Self-Discipline, Perseverance and Focus, just to mention a handful of life skills. Now this is nothing different than all of the religions preach.

I personally do not cover any religion. I have my own faith and it is very strong. But I do not want someone who is raised under a different faith to feel that they are being treated differently because they are Baptist, Catholic, Pentecostal, Buddhist, Muslim or any other faith.

Martial Arts teaches Eastern Religion and it conflicts with our own faith?

This is the 2nd biggest misconception of Martial Arts Schools. Like I mentioned above, there are some schools that are heavily into the Eastern religions as part of their curriculum, but it is less than 2-3%. There are many schools who are Christian based Martial Arts Schools, again, these are a very small percentage.

My school is no different from any other school across the country. I have a very diverse clientele, different races, religions, socio-economic backgrounds, and educations. However, the one thing that we do teach is Respect, Courtesy, Humility, Self-Control, Self-Confidence, Self-Discipline, Perseverance and Focus, just to mention a handful of life skills. Now this is nothing different than all of the religions preach.

I personally do not cover any religion. I have my own faith and it is very strong. But I do not want someone who is raised under a different faith to feel that they are being treated differently because they are Baptist, Catholic, Pentecostal, Buddhist, Muslim or any other faith.

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I want my child to do the Martial Arts, but I am afraid it will teach them violence?

This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions about the Martial Arts, 2nd only to parents believing we teach Eastern religion in class. I spokeabout talk this on the previous question.

A good traditional Martial Arts School teaches “Defense Only”. Meaning we do not use our Martial Arts to impose our will on someone else by physical means.

Many people’s perception of the Martial Arts is based upon what is portrayed in the movies, on television and in video games. Much of this started with the series Kung Fu and then was later portrayed with the Cobra Kai’s in the Karate Kid movies. I am not saying there is not an obscure school that is teaching the wrong message, but a traditional Martial Arts School is teaching them that physical power is the last resort, not the first.

Traditional schools teach an inner peace and tranquility. It does not promote speaking ill of other people or other Martial Arts Schools. It is about honor, integrity, respect and courtesy.

Traditional schools teach children and adults, for that matter, to have more confidence, self-esteem, discipline, focus and a perseverance to push past any obstacle that tries to prevent them from achieving their goals.

I want my child to do the Martial Arts, but I am afraid it will teach them violence?

This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions about the Martial Arts, 2nd only to parents believing we teach Eastern religion in class. I spokeabout talk this on the previous question.

A good traditional Martial Arts School teaches “Defense Only”. Meaning we do not use our Martial Arts to impose our will on someone else by physical means.

Many people’s perception of the Martial Arts is based upon what is portrayed in the movies, on television and in video games. Much of this started with the series Kung Fu and then was later portrayed with the Cobra Kai’s in the Karate Kid movies. I am not saying there is not an obscure school that is teaching the wrong message, but a traditional Martial Arts School is teaching them that physical power is the last resort, not the first.

Traditional schools teach an inner peace and tranquility. It does not promote speaking ill of other people or other Martial Arts Schools. It is about honor, integrity, respect and courtesy.

Traditional schools teach children and adults, for that matter, to have more confidence, self-esteem, discipline, focus and a perseverance to push past any obstacle that tries to prevent them from achieving their goals.

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My child behaves for their father, but they do not listen to me?

I have seen this challenge in many families, and sometimes the roles are reversed. Most children will test their boundaries, this part of their environmental growth. The best advice I give my karate parents is consistency, the more consistent your message, the better the results you will have with your children. Many times the message is different from one parent to the other. If one parent has clear-cut boundaries, the children understand and respect those boundaries; they also feel much safer with that parent in a crisis. If you tell them you are going to do something and you do not, they remember and they start losing trust in your word. They feel they can do what ever they want because you will not discipline them and if you do, you will let them out early and they will be back to what they were doing previously.

My child behaves for their father, but they do not listen to me?

I have seen this challenge in many families, and sometimes the roles are reversed. Most children will test their boundaries, this part of their environmental growth. The best advice I give my karate parents is consistency, the more consistent your message, the better the results you will have with your children. Many times the message is different from one parent to the other. If one parent has clear-cut boundaries, the children understand and respect those boundaries; they also feel much safer with that parent in a crisis. If you tell them you are going to do something and you do not, they remember and they start losing trust in your word. They feel they can do what ever they want because you will not discipline them and if you do, you will let them out early and they will be back to what they were doing previously.

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I have been told that my child may have ADHD and I do not want to put him on medication. Options?

This is a very common question, but I must point out that there are many reasons that may be causing your child to exhibit symptoms of ADHD. The first of course actual diagnosis of ADHD, consult your child’s physician and psychologist for this. There are other activities that cause the same symptoms. They are related to their home environment, diet and exercise. Many children play video games and watch television for long periods of time. During these activities, especially video games their brains stay hyper-stimulated for long periods of time and the stimulation is visual so when they have to sit in a classroom during instruction, they can not sit still, they are disruptive to the class and the teacher. Another area is diet. Please visit my web site for the rest of the information.

I have been told that my child may have ADHD and I do not want to put him on medication. Options?

This is a very common question, but I must point out that there are many reasons that may be causing your child to exhibit symptoms of ADHD. The first of course actual diagnosis of ADHD, consult your child’s physician and psychologist for this. There are other activities that cause the same symptoms. They are related to their home environment, diet and exercise. Many children play video games and watch television for long periods of time. During these activities, especially video games their brains stay hyper-stimulated for long periods of time and the stimulation is visual so when they have to sit in a classroom during instruction, they can not sit still, they are disruptive to the class and the teacher. Another area is diet. Please visit my web site for the rest of the information.

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Are we required to start at a certain time?

No, our curriculum and personal development program allows students to start our program at anytime. We have a system in place that allows them achieve success and receive affirmation of this success before they even start their first class.

Are we required to start at a certain time?

No, our curriculum and personal development program allows students to start our program at anytime. We have a system in place that allows them achieve success and receive affirmation of this success before they even start their first class.

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Can I take classes with my child?

Most definitely, we absolutely encourage our parents to train with their children. We have found that families that train together have a greater home life, better communication, less disagreements, better family cohesiveness and an all around better loving environment.

Can I take classes with my child?

Most definitely, we absolutely encourage our parents to train with their children. We have found that families that train together have a greater home life, better communication, less disagreements, better family cohesiveness and an all around better loving environment.

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Why do you require the families to interview with you and your staff before you can enroll?

I have found that when we set clear cut, defined goals for what you want you and your child to accomplish in the program. We have a greater chance of developing the life skills in your child that will help them overcome any challenge they face. The other reason is that I am looking at you, the parents. If you are not willing to support your child’s development, then frankly, I do not want you here. I have had countless children, we have helped and put on the correct path, improved their confidence, self-esteem and self-discipline, but the parents were unwilling to incorporate the same success training tips at home and then get frustrated and ultimately the child suffers.

Why do you require the families to interview with you and your staff before you can enroll?

I have found that when we set clear cut, defined goals for what you want you and your child to accomplish in the program. We have a greater chance of developing the life skills in your child that will help them overcome any challenge they face. The other reason is that I am looking at you, the parents. If you are not willing to support your child’s development, then frankly, I do not want you here. I have had countless children, we have helped and put on the correct path, improved their confidence, self-esteem and self-discipline, but the parents were unwilling to incorporate the same success training tips at home and then get frustrated and ultimately the child suffers.

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What makes your studio different from your competitors?

While most schools on the surface look very similar, the foundation curriculum, staff and support material is what makes the difference. First, our staff is one of the most experienced staff in all of the Martial Arts industry. Our curriculum is designed with triggers for maximum Life Skills Development. The support resources and parent training program greatly enhances the development of the students enrolled in our program. The real magic happens when they join our Peak Performers Leadership Program and make the commitment to Black Belt and beyond. When you commit to a development program, studies show that it greatly enhances your personal, professional, emotional and physical health.

What makes your studio different from your competitors?

While most schools on the surface look very similar, the foundation curriculum, staff and support material is what makes the difference. First, our staff is one of the most experienced staff in all of the Martial Arts industry. Our curriculum is designed with triggers for maximum Life Skills Development. The support resources and parent training program greatly enhances the development of the students enrolled in our program. The real magic happens when they join our Peak Performers Leadership Program and make the commitment to Black Belt and beyond. When you commit to a development program, studies show that it greatly enhances your personal, professional, emotional and physical health.

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What makes you and your staff qualified to teach the Martial Arts?

Great question! My staff receives their International Certification after an extensive 18 month Certified Instructor Program. In addition, they do continuous education training 6 hours per week on curriculum, personal development training and family development. We also privately discuss all of the students, covering any challenges a particular student may be experiencing. We have a combined experience of nearly 80 years in Martial Arts training and development.

What makes you and your staff qualified to teach the Martial Arts?

Great question! My staff receives their International Certification after an extensive 18 month Certified Instructor Program. In addition, they do continuous education training 6 hours per week on curriculum, personal development training and family development. We also privately discuss all of the students, covering any challenges a particular student may be experiencing. We have a combined experience of nearly 80 years in Martial Arts training and development.

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Inspiring Future Champions

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Peak Performance Martial Arts FAQs - Cedar Park, Texas (2)

The Salem Family

Peak Performance Martial Arts FAQs - Cedar Park, Texas (3)

The Mele Family

My son has been attending Peak Performance’s summer camp and after school curriculum since June and we both love it. Master Schill and the team stress the importance of discipline and hard work while maintaining a positive and encouraging environment in order to ensure the students learn life skills they’ll need for a bright future. Students earn belt stripes based on homework completion, reading, chores as well as practicing martial arts at home. Not only does Master Schill work with the students, but he communicates with the parents and makes sure everyone is on the same page and understand what the kids are being taught during their time there. My son has thrived here and I can’t wait to see what else he learns. I’ve recommended Peak Performance anytime after school programs come up.

Peak Performance Martial Arts FAQs - Cedar Park, Texas (4)

The Hargraves Family

Highly recommended. Peak Performance’s attitude towards raising strong children mirrors our own. We appreciate the cooperative support of the staff in helping shape who they will grow up to become. I have two girls, ages 7 and 11, who have been going to Peak Performance for several years. They may not always look forward to the physical exertion 😅, but I can tell, they are more confident, more disciplined, and more athletic as a result of being a part of the martial arts classes. They are proud of how high they can kick and regularly show me the forms and personal protection moves they are learning. We have developed personal relationships with the staff and trust them with our children’s lives.

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Peak Performance Martial Arts FAQs - Cedar Park, Texas (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.