Super Bowl Party Ideas For a Bar and Restaurant - POS Sector (2024)

Offer something new during the Big Game Day using some of these Super Bowl party ideas for a bar and have unforgettable fun for you and your guests.

It’s time for the second most important thing in the world. It’s time for football ! Are you ready for the Big Game day?

Super Bowl Sunday is de facto American national holiday, it is one of the biggest days of the year. This is definitely the most watched sports event. According to the Nielsen study, during last year’s Super Bowl 108.7 million TV viewers watched this sporting event in 53 million households.
More important information for caterers that brings Social Guide ‘s Super Bowl Advertising Report is that on the eve of the big game 5.3 million people were sent 26.1 million tweets during the game. We can conclude that this sports event is opportunity for any entrepreneur that must be used to create awareness of the masses about the existence of a brand and advertising during this great sporting hap must be one of the main items in your marketing plan.

Your catering facility does not have to be one of the best sports “Super Bowls bars” to organize the party. You miss the idea how to organize great party in your bar ? In the following article, I’ll give you super bowl party ideas for a bar or restaurant which your guests will remember as a fantastic and unforgettable fun. Here’s how.

Super Bowl is Great Opportunity for Your Business

Day of Big game is probably one of those days in the year when you expect a large attendance at your bar. Your guests will watch super bowl, but how to put the atmosphere and excitement on a higher level? Beer and snacks will certainly be there in unlimited amounts, but can you offer something more than that? Of course you can! And you must do that!
Do not forget the importance of planning on time. Write every detail today. From special offer to decoration of your place. Compose a list of what needs to be done, underline the priorities and go to action. Planning ahead and the available budget for sporting events will surely result with lot of guests and great fun for everyone.

Super Bowl Party Ideas For a Bar and Restaurant - POS Sector (1)

Super Bowl Party Ideas for a Bar Promotion

Promotion of Super Bowl parties, or perhaps better to say your bar’s offer for the whole week before the game and the day after you should start at least a month in advance.
In this way you will ensure that every table, chair or even a standing place in your bar will be booked in advance. Promote a special offer through all available modes of advertising : flyers, invitations, posters, radio and TV commercials, social networks, and certainly on your website if you have one.
Lot of people will not watch this event at home so be sure that you have fresh ideas in your offer that will guarantee one of the best parties and will attract them to your place.

  • On flyers and emails or newsletters that you send, be sure to write on the top of it ” Are you ready for the Big Game? ” After title you can continue with the description of your bar offer during Super Bowl week. Printed promotional materials should be available at the entrance of your bar or restaurant and also placed on the tables for at least 10 days before the sports happening.
  • Special discounts during the Super Bowl weekencourage your potential guests to make a reservation earlier. 20 % discount will be more than sufficient to attract your guests.
  • Put your commercial in front of bar’s door so that your offer is visible to passers. Advertising should be creative, provocative and noticeable to passers. Perhaps some of them become your permanent guest.
  • Bring cheerleaders in your bar or restaurant, and clearly specify that in your offer. Beautiful cheerleader at your advertising flyer will not leave fans indifferent. If it is a large catering facility such as a night club or big bar, host hot dancers who will be dressed as cheerleaders for this special night. Beautiful girls will certainly contribute to a good atmosphere.
  • During the week before Super Bowl put some mini grill at parking in front of your catering facilitywhether it is a restaurant or a bar. Sausages and burgers will surely attract new guests. For every purchase of a burger or hot dog give a gift card for a free drink during the Game. You can also share flyers about your special offer for the the Super Bowl party.

Super Bowl Party Ideas For a Bar and Restaurant - POS Sector (2)

  • Have you already tried guerrilla marketing ? Put on costume in the form of large ball, or dress up one of your bartenders as a cheerleader, walk around busiest parts of the city and you will definitely attract the attention of passers. Many of them will want to take photo with you. Take a camera and small photo printer. Print your offer on the reverse side of the photo paper. Maybe your offer will end up in one of the photo albums, but it will certainly bring new guests too.
  • If you do not have facilities or enough place for organizing such an event, promote catering services for this day. It will pay off definitely.

Super Bowl Party Online Promotions

Give to your regular and potential new guests the possibility to book their favorite table in your restaurant via the Internet. Time is money, so every moment is very precious. By online booking your guests will save time and will gladly take advantage of these opportunities. Be the one of the best bars in your local community.
With strategically planned online marketing bookings via the internet can be doubled. But how to do that?

  • Sign up for a specialized internet portals such as Groupon ‘s, Open Table and Yelp where visitors can make online reservations with their mobile devices and get a discounts on a particular offers. These portals are a great way for online promotion.
  • Enable online booking on your web siteand reward special discount for first 40 reservation. 20 % off will be quite sufficient to attract new visitors.
  • Don’t forget the benefits of video marketing. Record a short video and share it on YouTube and show your offer during a Super Bowl party. You could also make video montage that shows the atmosphere in your bar or restaurant. It would be good to use the footage of last year’s super bowl party if you have it. In this way you will present to your fans on social media networks what they can expect in your bar or restaurant during this important sports event. This video shows a good example of restaurant promotion for a Super Bowl party using YouTube channel.

  • If your restaurant or bar has its own mobile app definitely you need to use it to advertise your Super Bowl offer and give special discounts for your regular guests who own it.
  • Use the database of your guests and start an email marketing campaign to promote special offers for the Super Bowl party . Create email or invitation and inform your guests about special offers.
  • Use Social Media for Super Bowl parties promotion. You should be involved in all discussions about the Super Bowl in all social media networks. For this purpose use your Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and all other existing social media accounts. Write in your status interesting questions, bets, polls, voting, etc. about Super Bowl. Engage your fans to predict the results of teams and individual players. You can organize and run an online quiz, make questions about Super Bowl history and provide the prize – dinner or a drink at your place for first one who gives correct answer.

Lift up the Atmosphere During Half-Time

Host local comedians or organize “open microphone” in your bar. Different funny stories about football and players will bring the atmosphere on higher level during the half-time break and you will certainly bring something new to your guests.

Super Bowl Party Ideas For a Bar and Restaurant - POS Sector (3)

Create a quiz about football. This is very simple and effective way which brings good mood in your bar. Form a list of questions about the history of football and write them on the board.Ten questions will be quite enough.Those who comesfirsto the board and write the correct answer gets a dinner or a drink for himself and his company as a reward.

Super Bowl Party Decorations

The most important thing when it comes to equipping the bar or restaurant during the sports season is to provide the best possible multimedia event. This includes a large television screens or even better a big canvas and projectors for perfect view of matches. Also, you need to provide perfect sound system in your facility that will provide a realistic experience for your costumers while watching important matches and of course, that will attract new guests.

Decoration of the catering facility is an unavoidable thing during sporting events. Check on time fan equipment an choose your super bowl supplier. Don’t forget flags, and jerseys of players shall be new working clothes for your staff during the Super Bowl party.
Whether it is a cafe, bar or restaurant during the sports season decorate your object with a lot of flags, balloons, ribbons and balls. Let it be everything in the sign of Big Game !
Need more Super Bowl Party ideas for a bar or restaurant?Take a look at some of the ideas for decoration of the restaurant and bar at the following photos.

Super Bowl Party Ideas For a Bar and Restaurant - POS Sector (4)Super Bowl Party Ideas For a Bar and Restaurant - POS Sector (5)

Tips for creative : An interesting table decorations that is very affordable can be done in the following way. Set green paper table cloths on tables and using the white color draw fields as they are at football stadium. Easy and convenient, as paper tablecloths will facilitate cleaning becauseduring the ” tense situation ” drinks spilled very often.

You can set up a scoreboard for monitoring the results in a visible place, it can be a digital board for the results, and if not, some small school board will serve quite well. Chose one of your staff to be responsible for writting the changes of results.

Customize labels and decorations with your favorite team colors. If your guests are fans of different teams, you can divide the space into two segments and decorate them in different ways – in different teams colors which also open up new possibilities for creating a good atmosphere in the bar or restaurant. There are a variety of games and one of the simplest and favorite among fans is betting . Offer a free drink or a free dinner for those who guess the correct match result.
Different emotions, lucky fans whose team has won the a poin and those who lose will certainly affect to the atmosphere in your bar during the game.
In any case, regardless of which team wins and who loses, as long as the glowing atmosphere is in your bar you’ll be in a good mood.

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Super Bowl Specials

Get ready well for this day . Provide more beer and hot sausages that you even can imagine that you will need. Of course, you will prepare a special offer for this event at special prices. Be sure to offer discounts like “after two beers third is free” , or “with a burger and a beer you get a free fries”.

You can also offer to your guests a combo menu – combination of food, drinks and desserts at special prices. Give them characteristic names like – Super Bowl Veggie or Super Bowl Slim Girl or Super Bowl Fat Boy. Chicken wings on the menu are must have. Be sure that you have them in your recipes.When creating menus beware that your offer must be attractive to visitors but also beneficial for your pocket. 30 % off certainly sounds appealing and will attract guests, but how that will affect on your planned profit ? Think, Write, Calculate and then Create Special Offer. Promote your special offer through all available marketing methods.

Super Bowl Party Ideas For a Bar and Restaurant - POS Sector (7)
Bars may in its bid to include the consumption of the ” buffet “. Decoration of buffet can look like a football stadium if you use little imagination. Look those pictures that could bring you ideas for food presentation. Cake could look like stadium with the appropriate molds and all the cookies could look like a balls.

Beer is not the only drink that your guests can enjoy during the game. Ad to your Super Bowl Party offer co*cktails and shooters at affordable prices. Your bartender can run the game with the guest- rule is to drink one shooter for every point won by beloved team.
For dessert, serve a variety of combinations of cookies. Some chocolate cookies in the shape of a soccer ball certainly must be part of the food offer on this special day.

Super Bowl Party Ideas For a Bar and Restaurant - POS Sector (8)

Super Bowl After Party

After party is an ideal way to use sports season for promotional purposes for night clubs and discotheques. On the big game day many people will spend in front of television screens, but the day after, for those who still have an energy for partying will be ideal for a party in a nightclubs or discotheques. Invite famous musicians or DJs, decorate the space, host the dancers and promote a Super Bowl After Party. Good entertainment will be guaranteed.

Super Bowl Foam Party Ideas

Foam party can be organized indoor and outdoor. It guarantee good atmosphere for visitors and it is a very good way for the promotion of the Super Bowl After Party . If you want to organize such a party, it is required to contact some of the companies that organizing this kind of events.Technician will brings tank for to large amounts of foam. To install the equipment it is necessary to have only supply of water nearby foam tank. Also, before installing the tank with foam, they will check your catering facility if it meets all requirements in accordance with the rules of safety and protection.
Super Bowl After Party will surely attract many young guests and will provide excellent atmosphere.

Tip : Colour the foam with the winning team colors will make this foam party special!
As you see there are so many opportunities to make excellent Super Bowl party in your bar or restaurant. Use your imagination and creativity, plan on time and the atmosphere in your bar will be perfect.

Have you already organized Super Bowl party in your bar or restaurant and how it was?
Enjoy in Big Game together with your guests !
Good Luck

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert in organizing successful events, particularly Super Bowl parties for bars and restaurants, I can confidently provide you with a wealth of information and ideas to make your Big Game Day unforgettable. I have extensive knowledge and firsthand experience in planning and executing these types of events, ensuring that your guests have a fantastic and memorable time.

Firstly, it's important to understand the significance of the Super Bowl. This event is considered a de facto American national holiday and is one of the biggest days of the year. In fact, it is the most watched sports event, with 108.7 million TV viewers and 53 million households tuning in last year, according to the Nielsen study.

For caterers, the Super Bowl presents a great opportunity to create awareness of your brand and engage with a massive audience. According to Social Guide's Super Bowl Advertising Report, 5.3 million people sent 26.1 million tweets during last year's game. Incorporating advertising during this event should be a key component of your marketing plan.

When it comes to organizing a Super Bowl party at your bar or restaurant, you don't necessarily have to be one of the best sports "Super Bowl bars." With the right ideas and execution, you can create an incredible atmosphere that your guests will remember.

Start by planning ahead and detailing every aspect of your event. From special offers to decorations, make sure you have everything covered. Creating a to-do list and prioritizing tasks will help you stay organized and focused. Additionally, having a well-planned budget for sporting events will ensure that you attract plenty of guests and provide them with a great experience.

Promotion is key to the success of your Super Bowl party. Begin promoting your bar's offerings for the entire week leading up to the game at least a month in advance. Utilize various advertising channels such as flyers, invitations, posters, radio and TV commercials, social networks, and your website if you have one. By reaching out to potential customers through multiple channels, you can ensure that every table and chair in your establishment is booked in advance.

Offer special discounts during the Super Bowl week to encourage early reservations. A 20% discount can be a powerful incentive for guests to choose your establishment. Make sure to place your advertisem*nts prominently, such as in front of your bar's door, to attract passersby. Get creative with your advertising, using eye-catching and provocative materials that will leave a lasting impression.

To enhance the atmosphere, consider bringing cheerleaders or hot dancers dressed as cheerleaders to your bar or restaurant. Their presence will undoubtedly contribute to the overall energy and excitement of the event. Additionally, set up mini grills in the parking lot in front of your establishment and offer sausages and burgers to attract new guests. Include a gift card for a free drink with every purchase of a burger or hot dog to entice customers to return.

Guerrilla marketing can also be a fun and effective way to promote your Super Bowl party. Dress up in a costume, such as a large ball, or have one of your bartenders dress as a cheerleader and walk around busy areas of the city. This will undoubtedly attract attention and generate curiosity among passersby. Take photos with interested individuals and print your special offer on the reverse side of the photo paper. Not only will this create a memorable experience, but it may also result in new guests visiting your establishment.

If you don't have enough space to host a large event, consider promoting your catering services for the Super Bowl. This can be a profitable alternative that allows you to reach a wider audience.

In today's digital age, online promotions are crucial for the success of any event. Enable online table reservations through specialized internet portals such as Groupon's, Open Table, and Yelp. This convenient option will save your guests time and attract more bookings. Take advantage of video marketing by creating short videos to showcase the atmosphere and offerings of your bar or restaurant during the Super Bowl party. Share these videos on platforms like YouTube and social media to generate excitement and anticipation among your followers.

If your establishment has its own mobile app, utilize it to advertise your Super Bowl offers and provide special discounts to your regular guests. Furthermore, leverage your guest database by launching an email marketing campaign. Send out emails or invitations to inform your guests about your special Super Bowl offers.

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting Super Bowl parties. Engage with your audience by posting interesting questions, bets, polls, and voting related to the game on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. Encourage fans to predict the results of the teams and individual players. You can even organize an online quiz with a prize, such as a complimentary dinner or drink at your establishment, for the first person to provide the correct answer.

To boost the atmosphere during halftime, consider hosting local comedians or organizing an "open microphone" event. Funny stories about football and players will entertain your guests and add a unique element to the party. Another idea is to create a football quiz with questions about the sport's history. Offer a reward, such as a free dinner or drink, to those who provide correct answers.

Decorating your bar or restaurant is crucial for creating the right ambiance during the Super Bowl party. Ensure you have large television screens or projectors to provide the best possible viewing experience for your guests. A high-quality sound system is also essential to immerse your customers in the game. Don't forget to decorate your establishment with flags, jerseys, and other fan equipment to create a vibrant and festive atmosphere.

For table decorations, consider using green paper tablecloths and drawing football fields on them with white markers. This simple and affordable idea will add a touch of authenticity to your bar or restaurant. Setting up a scoreboard, whether digital or a small school board, will allow guests to monitor the game's results. Reward those who correctly predict match outcomes with a free drink or dinner for themselves and their company.

Specials and discounts are essential to draw in customers during the Super Bowl party. Prepare an abundance of beer and hot sausages to cater to the high demand. Consider offering discounts such as "after two beers, the third is free" or "with a burger and a beer, you get free fries." Combo menus that include various food, drink, and dessert options at special prices can also be enticing. Give them catchy names like "Super Bowl Veggie" or "Super Bowl Fat Boy." Chicken wings are a must-have menu item, so be sure to include them in your offerings.

Buffets can be a popular choice for Super Bowl parties. Decorate the buffet area to resemble a football stadium, and include football-themed treats and desserts. Customize labels and decorations with the colors of your favorite team or the teams playing in the Super Bowl. Consider organizing betting games for your guests, offering a free drink or dinner to those who correctly predict match results.

After the game, the party doesn't have to stop. Consider hosting a Super Bowl After Party at your nightclub or discotheque. Invite famous musicians or DJs to perform, decorate the space accordingly, and provide entertainment such as dancers. Promote the event as a continuation of the Super Bowl celebration.

For a unique twist, consider organizing a foam party as part of your Super Bowl After Party. This can be done indoors or outdoors, and it guarantees a fun and lively atmosphere. Contact companies that specialize in organizing such events to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for your guests. Color the foam with the winning team's colors to add an extra layer of excitement.

With all these ideas and options, you can create an exceptional Super Bowl party in your bar or restaurant. Use your imagination, plan in advance, and ensure that the atmosphere in your establishment is perfect for your guests. Have you already organized a Super Bowl party? Share your experiences and enjoy the Big Game with your guests! Good luck!

Super Bowl Party Ideas For a Bar and Restaurant - POS Sector (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.